Parasites in the liver of the person

Often the liver of the person surprised giardia, flounder, and Echinococcus. Parasites in the liver of the person occur frequently, and this is due to an intense metabolism that occurs in their tissues. The disease leads to the loss of capacity of the person, the general deterioration of the health, developmental delays in children. Therefore, parasites that live in the liver, you must banish it to maintain the health of the person.

The parasite in the liver

What are the parasites affect the liver?

Worms in the liver — urgent in parasitology and gastroenterology today. The identification of this disease is not dependent on place of residence of the person, their social status or age. Pathology usually has a chronic character and a high probability of serious complications. Helminths found in the liver, may be independent of the disease or be combined with other parasites in the gut, circulatory system and the lymphatic system.

So, what diseases can talk of parasites in the liver:

  • giardiasis;
  • the ascariasis;
  • echinococcosis;
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • amoebiasis;
  • schistosomiasis;
  • balantidia.

It is no secret that the liver is an important organ of the person, in which it is produced in intense metabolic processes associated with the continuity of oxygen and nutrients from the blood components, in the background of that becomes very interesting parasites. The disease in your tissues, protozoa and worms may not be the cause of the loss of human lives, however, which constantly emit poisonous and toxic of the connection, as a result of one's own vital activity, causing irreparable damage to the health.

The symptoms of liver injury

Worms which inhabit the liver of the person, are the following signs of illness:

  • is jaundiced hue of the skin and the mucous, expressed itching of the skin, which can be confused with allergic;
  • dyspeptic disorders: nausea, vomiting, disorders;
  • the pain and the pathological increase in the size of the liver — hepatomegaly;
  • the general weakness, the feeling of laxity, the deterioration of maintenance, sleep disorders, bad mood, a decreased ability of teaching;
  • the sensations of pain in the pane on the right hypochondrium, as a rule, clumsy in nature newspaper.
The pain

Very often the man is rash. She is diagnosed much less in all cases, but its appearance becomes the result of the formation of the mechanism of development worm invasions, that when hronizatsii process cause in the body a process of hypersensitivity to its their poisons and toxins.

As a general rule, the increase of the temperature in this case, it is durable in nature because of the type of subfebrile, that is to say, the temperature can rise up to the mark of 37-37,5°C.

Were general characteristics of the parasites in the liver, on how to affect these to the authority on set, see you at the table.

The type of helminth infectionHow is the disease manifestation
ECHINOCOCCOSISIn this disease in the liver, which produces multiple cystic formations that contain parasites. The disease of how much time passes hidden, and then calls the general symptoms. Cysts gradually increase, causing the mass of discomfort in the patient. In the case of large cysts requires surgical treatment.
The ascariasisThe causative agent of the disease normally lives in the intestine, ascaride in the liver are usually migrating through. In the tissues of an organ created by eosinophilic infiltrates. People complain of itching and skin rashes.
OPISTHORCHIASISTrematody or opisthorchis parasites in the ducts of the liver and the gallbladder. Cause holangiogepatit, flowing with abdominal pain, signs of jaundice and low-gradu febris.
STRONGYLOIDIASISThe presence of these worms in the liver causes damage to the organ of dyskinesia of the biliary system. Symptoms: loss of appetite, bitterness in the mouth, yellowish tint of the skin and mucous membranes, pain in the hypochondrium. Perhaps the most unbearable of the form of the disease among all the others.
GiardiasisGiardia can cause biliary dyskinesia. Symptoms: pain in the hypochondrium, nausea, jaundice.
AMOEBIASISThe disease is caused by the type of the acute form of hepatitis. The liver increases in size, in their tissues forming abscesses. Symptoms: fever, jaundice, abdominal pain, damage to the tissues of the authority with the perspective of development of cirrhosis.
BALANTIDIACiliates lead to painful reaction of the liver on palpation, diarrhoea with traces of blood and mucus, dehydration, fever, and other unpleasant symptoms.

If you pay proper treatment of the lack, the disease fast enough enters a chronic process. In this case, there is an infringement of work of the central nervous system, the person begins to complain of the increase in the number of headaches, dizziness, increased irritability.

In running in the case, it can be detected increased sweating, tremor of the eyelids, hands, and tongue. While in this state, not all doctors suspect that the patient the invasion as the underlying cause of the disease, and spend the therapy of the neuroses, vascular dystonia and other diseases.

How infection occurs?

Living in the body of the person — child or adult, and in the future, hitting the liver, earthworms may of the following ways:

  • in the process of contact with the ground, as well as of eggs of nematodes, liver fluke, Ascaris and the earthworm can live in the substrate, so that they fall easily in the human body, along with the bad of the fruits and vegetables, through the bare feet and dirty hands;
  • direct interaction with an infected person, for example, ostritsy are transmitted easily in the community through articles for the home, for example, the bed linen, or dirty hands;
  • of pets through the saliva, wool, contact with stools, etc;
The oil of fir
  • when you use knowing that not boiling infected water, so that it can be passed liver flukes, nematodes and other helminths;
  • if you do not processed foods, for example, the violation of a process of cooking the fish, croquettes, as well as the popular in the latest time sushi rolls and in this case the parasites such as fluke, liver fluke, ascaride and Echinococcus easily set in the body of an infected person;
  • after the bite of insects.

It is no secret that children are often carriers of worm invasions. This is easy to explain: childhood immunity formed is not sufficient, the body continues to grow and evolve, demanding a large number of forces and energy. As a result of a weakened immune system, as well as age-related, the weakness of the acidity of the gastric juice, in comparison with the adults, makes the body more susceptible to a different type of defeats.

At an early age the child in a hurry actively to assimilate the world that surrounds him and tries to do this, not only by the touch with the hands, but with the help of the mouth, testing the taste of absolutely everyone — both at home and on the street. Even though the comprehensive care, which are surrounded by the most children, not all parents can educate the children in preschool, elementary rules of hygiene. Therefore, from an infestation of worms in a family where there are small children, is not immune to anyone.

The diagnosis

In the modern laboratory conditions to determine the presence of the liver, as the other species of worms, this is not serious work. Important, spend a full diagnostic test.

Identify the liver parasites, that will help the following laboratory analysis:

  • the general analysis of blood;
  • the analysis of the masses, stool and duodenal content;
  • the analysis of antibodies to the parasites.

In the blood of the person that suffers from helminthiasis of the liver and the gallbladder, it is detected a higher content of eosinophils and antibodies, indicating that the body tries to fight by himself with uninvited guests. In the mass fecal can be identified with particles of parasites or their eggs.

Additional diagnostic methods are the ultrasound-a study of ct scan of the abdomen, endoscopic examination of the gallbladder and ducts, as well as the intestine. These diagnostic tools to confirm the presence of the disease.

The treatment of the

It is not necessary to panic, if indeed it is confirmed that the parasites live in the liver of the concrete person. The disease is treated successfully in adults and in children, and it is that it is not as difficult as it may seem at first. The liver is the organ that has to the recovery and to do this you need a bit of time. At present there are a large number of conservative methods and not conventional to resolve the problem of the parasites in the liver. Most of them are effective enough, but of preference for the appointment of treatment addressed the primary care physician.

The basis for treatment of worms in the liver are shown in the following table. All consists of three stages.

StepThe essence of the treatment
Step 1. Elimination of signs of intoxication of the body, the enhancement of the enzyme activity in the liver and the intestine.
  • The diet compliance, a warning in the growth and multiplication of the parasites.
  • The allocation of anti-allergic and choleretic drug.
  • The reception of sorbents and enzymes.
Step 2. The intense exposure to parasites.
  • The allocation of anthelmintic drugs, their possible combination with the tools of folk medicine.
Step 3. The adjustment of the immunity, prevention of infection, helminthiasis in the future.
  • The compliance of the diet.
  • Receive of multivitamin complexes and immune modulators.
  • The compliance of the rules of personal hygiene.

Any description of a type detected worm invasions, are the cause of the loss of the authority required in a manner designated competent therapy, from which is the cleansing liver of parasites. To this end, the doctor collects the necessary medications, often combining their use with recipes popular treatment.

  • A special diet. Before you clean the liver, the doctor diet therapy. It is based on the complete elimination or minimize the carbohydrate food, foods rich in gluten, fatty and spicy dishes. It is convenient to include in your diet porridge based on rice, flour of corn and of wheat, grits, meat with a minimum content of fat, fermented dairy products and steamed vegetables.
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Reception of enterosorbents. Cleansing the liver of parasites can not live without the medications with sorbent properties. The sorbents have a bowel movement of the body of toxics and toxic substances, cleaning up the unnecessary toxic burden.
  • Anti-allergy medications. To reduce the increase the awareness of the body, you need the antihistamines.
  • Anthelmintic therapy. Antiparasitic drugs should be elected by the schema for each individual patient, depending on your age, general state of health and stage of helminths.
  • Correction of the immune system. Is limited to the designation of multivitamins and immune modulators.
  • Medicines the standardization of the work of the liver (i.e., possess hepatoprotective and colecintico effects). For the cleaning of the liver and the subsequent regeneration of its damaged cells and tissues have been a success, the physician must allocate funds.

Popular treatment

So that in a short time to cleanse the body of parasites at home, normalize the functioning of the organs of the digestive tract, it can complement the conservative treatment remedies.

The use of roots of burdock. To eliminate the signs of intoxication of the organism and, in consequence, the liver would be better to clean you will need a teaspoon of extract of roots of burdock, which has to be diluted in a glass of clean water and drink in one gulp. Repeat 3 times a day. The course of treatment — 7 days.

The tool of spruce. Extract of fir has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, disinfectants and hepatoprotective action. How to clean the liver of the parasites with the help of fir extract? Within a month, all the days is taken orally in 50 ml of the tool 3 times a day, diluted with clean water.

The recipe for tansy ragwort. Effective cleaning of the liver in the home-treatment remedies can be performed using tansy. The unique composition of tansy ragwort can not only show the parasites of the liver, but also to deal with the symptoms of acute cholecystitis and inflammatory changes in the authority as a result of the activity of helminths and protozoa. Tansy you need for the brewing of beer in the calculation of a teaspoon of the dry raw material in 200 ml of water, take 3 of the reception during the day. Additionally, before going to bed you can chew on that to disperse the flowers of the plants and take your full glass of water. In the morning, you must complete the treatment, the use of laxatives to speed up the excretion of the parasites, and the products of its activity.


The prevention of the

You must follow the following rules:

  • wash all the vegetables and herbs that grew in the earth, and after washing these products, it is recommended to burns of boiling water;
  • do not allow the sedimentation of foods other than insects, for example flies, they also come in parasitic the infection cycle of the worms;
  • before each meal wash your hands with soap and water;
  • always boil the water, no matter what source you take (the exception is the filtered water quality from the device and a bottle of mineral water from reputable manufacturers;
  • at the time of swimming in open water you can not allow the entry of water into the cavity of the mouth, nose, throat or eyes;
  • hotel is dubious cooked foods (liver fluke, ascaride, etc.).

From this article it is clear what are the parasites that live in the liver, which is the risk and how to treat them. Get rid of parasites remedies by itself is not the right solution. Pick up the right medication is not difficult, but procedure medicines used to remove the infected organisms from the tissues of the liver, very toxic, therefore, to prescribe, you just need a doctor.

The body, clean of worm invasions, fast enough stabilizes your immune system, which is gradually recovering the liver, they pass signs of the allergic diseases, the disappearance of pain in the hypochondrium and jaundice.